Poker has undoubtedly been one of the most played online games across the betting domain. As a result, nearly all UK casinos give a chance for players to show their outstanding skills in this game. However, most people don’t know about the existence of the World Series of Poker. Well, just in case you were one of them, at least now you know it exists.
World Series of Poker came into the limelight in 2003. This is after a professional Poker player known as Chris Moneymaker became an all-time winner after winning a live poker tournament through a satellite online. Moreover, as the saying goes, there is more than what the eye meets.
In this article, we shall discuss exciting facts about the World Series of Poker that you didn’t know. The facts are highlighted below as follows.

World Series of Poker (WSOP) is not an ordinary tournament
Most poker players don’t know World Series of Poker is not an ordinary tournament. Compared to other tournaments, the World Series of Poker involves 74 events. This allows poker players to choose events that match their interests. However, it is important to note; that events change yearly. Therefore, you need to check how the events change from time to time.
Even though the tournaments avail multiple games, you should always check on the buy-in. The cheapest buy-in was in 2019, which amounted to $400.
It started back in 1970
The World Series of poker started in 1970. By then, it was known as Texas Gambling Reunion. It was an invitational competition that was held in 1969. Surprisingly, if you think the event was held in Las Vegas, then you are wrong. The event was held at a holiday hotel in Reno. Crandell Addington carried the event.
Benny Binion was the brain behind the World Series of poker in 1970. The first competition was not held as a tournament. It availed multiple cash games. Afterward, an election was held to choose the winner.
WSOP is a brand name
Before Harrah`s Entertainment bought the World Series of poker and its properties, the World Series of poker title was the trademark name founded by Benny Binion in 2004. After Harrah sold the casino, the owner maintained the right to use this name as a trademark.
World Series brand allows players to enjoy other gaming services such as video games, instructional videos, and lottery games. Moreover, the brand is fully licensed.
Winners walk away home with money and other rewards
We all engage in different games to win different rewards and goodies. Therefore, the World Series of poker knows the importance of availing different rewards for their poker players. Cash and bracelets are the common rewards winners get after winning in different events.
Surprisingly, the World Series of poker started giving out bracelets in 1976. However, the bracelets design has been changing from time to time. Notably, in some events, rings are given out as rewards.
Phill Helmuth is one of the best professional poker players
Phill Helmuth has been the most outstanding professional poker player in the world. With the help of his tremendous skills, he has been able to walk away with more than 15 World Series poker bracelets. In the history of Poker, no one has ever suppressed this outstanding record. This is the main reason why he is celebrated as an icon.
Additionally, Phill is the title holder of the most outstanding professional poker player on the table board. In his entire career, he has been on the table 59 times. Furthermore, he has walked away home with the largest money, having won more than 147 World Series poker events.
If you look keenly at his profile, you will realize that this poker brat icon is worth being celebrated. Go through different reviews to identify some of the achievements he has achieved in the poker world.
Final Thoughts About WSOP
In conclusion, the World Series of poker has been in the industry for quite some time.
Professional poker players have been walking home with millions of money in their pockets after winning several events. Like we have been saying, other than luck, you must show your tremendous skills to win.
Use the poker section to access simple poker guides to all poker games before consider to play WSOP tournaments. Learn how to play poker with our easy-to-follow guide to the basic rules and types.